Snowflake cleaning machine
In today's high-tech era,...
Semiconductor industry...
Snow cleaning machine is a semiconductor...
Snowflake cleaning...
Snowflake cleaning machine for high efficiency、...
Snowflake cleaning...
Snowflake cleaning machine with unique features...
Snowflake cleaning...
In the semiconductor manufacturing industry,...
DSJetSnow cleaning machine series products
Advantages of snowflake cleaning
mutually right to city site upper Save stay of clear wash technique art CO2 snow clear wash technique art have very many No can for generation of excellent spot :
( 1 ) system prepare Related to clear wash too Cheng green colour ring protect 。
( 2 ) No need want place reason Waste liquid 、 Waste water , No meeting make become two second sewage dye , stay whole individual clear wash too Cheng only have two oxygen turn carbon stay hair living mutually change , and nothing his it of matter quality yield living 。
( 3 ) can with clear wash yield product Fan around wide : electric learn element piece 、 light learn element piece 、Plastic products、 pottery porcelain 、 medicine use implement material 、 country Prevention implement material etc. etc. 。than as electric learn element piece as fruit Collecting use water clean meeting shadow ring electric learn element piece of electric road etc. ,
but yes CO2 snow clear wash machine no have dry dryness clear wash of too Cheng , No meeting right electric learn element piece electric road yield living shadow ring 。( 4 ) mutually right dissolve agent of clear wash , No meeting stay lower can check measure of remnant stay matter , genus to dry dryness clear wash 。
( 5 ) right silicon and phosphorus turn indium crystal slice , chart case turn core slice , mix close core slice , light learn implement piece and gather close matter etc. essence dense kind product no have junction structure nature damage bad 。
( 6 ) easy take have to , then should security whole , high pure degree of two oxygen turn carbon of system prepare work art already through wrong often become cooked , and And security whole can by 。
Advantages of snowflake cleaning
DSJetTechnical nozzle dry ice and snow
* High speed impact
1umSnowflake crystal+Compressed air is sprayed onto the surface of the workpiece, causing pollutants to detach from the surface and be blown out of the surface by compressed air
* Rapid cooling
Rapid cooling deformation of pollutants
* Microburst effect
The accelerated snowflake crystals produce a micro explosion effect,Production of snowflake crystals600-800Multiple volume expansion
Solvent effect supercriticalCo2The solubility of cyclohexane is equivalent to that of cyclohexane(Nickname hexahydrobenzene)The effect of

Snowflake cleaning application
new energy
medical treatment
Optical lenses
Plastic products
Electronic components
mobile phone
DSJetThe snowflake cleaning system has a wide range of cleaning capabilities,And it is an environmentally friendly cleaning method,Therefore, it is widely chosen by large enterprises。