PRO-MINIDry ice cleaning machine

Dry ice cleaning machine

DSJetDry ice cleaning equipmentPRO-MINIAssist in industrial environmental cleaning,Using dry ice(Solid carbon dioxide)Cleaning as the main cleaning medium,Cleaning through surface blasting,Can achieve non-destructive cleaning effect,Implement automated cleaning of dry ice cleaning machines,Can meet the surface cleaning needs of various products。

Built in high-efficiency filtering device,Efficient and fast filtration of water in the air,grease,Rust and other impurities。Fully ensuring the safety and environmental protection of molds through non-destructive cleaning。Traditional cleaning methods use chemicals and hand tools,Dull and inefficient。 Dishijie's alternative cleaning process provides a non abrasive and environmentally friendly method,Capable of completing mold and product cleaning in a short amount of time,So as to extend the cycle of preventive maintenance intervals。 in addition,Can run in situ。

technical parameter

Ice removal methodSingle tube type
Dry ice capacityabout9kg
Dry ice particle size3mm
Adjustable dry ice dosage0-1kg/min
Gas supply pressure range4-10bar
Compressed air flow range
External dimensions (long*wide*high)
Power supply configuration

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